Remember when Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian were madly in love?  Me neither, but they were married and quickly divorced.  Kris is now on the Boston Celtics and Kim is now the mother of Kanye West’s daughter.  It seemed like after a messy divorce the two had gone their separate ways, but leave it to celebrities to always keep things juicy.

Humphries gave his blushing bride a stunning $2 million engagement ring that he may (or may not) have paid for by himself.  Guessing by how phony the Kardashian show is, I would not be surprised if someone else had a hand in footing the bill (maybe Kris Jenner or E! executives?).

The ring was one of the things that the couple continued to argue about when they were trying to settle things.  She felt that it was a gift and she should keep it and he felt that she should have no attachment to it as she was now dating someone with even more money.  Well the judge awarded the ring to Kris and everyone walked away happy.

However, the ring has resurfaced!  There is a ring set for auction at Christie’s in Manhattan that bears a striking resemblance to the ring Kardashian once had on her finger.  The 16 carat emerald-cut ring is set to go on the market October 11th.  It will probably not reach its original $2 million price tag, but I am sure Humphries is not doing this for the money.  Is he getting the last laugh or does he just look foolish?

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