harper10s-1-webThis young rookie is already leaving quite the impression on New York City and Mets fans all over.  However, what do his teammates think about him?  With his kind of talent, you know they all love him, but just to make sure he is their favorite pitcher he sent them a nice present!

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Eric Young Jr. tweeted out a picture of Beats by Dre headphones “Awesome team colors @BeatsByDre headphones from my homie @MattHarvey33. . .”  So not only does the guy nearly a throw a no-hitter almost every time he pitches, but he also buys teammates ridiculously expensive headphones?!  It sure beats the other New York team dealing with a certain third baseman and all the daily drama that surrounds him.  How mad do you think the Angels’ teammates are at their front office for letting this guy get away!

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