130515_oj_simpson_1_660Doesn’t that make perfect sense?  Who else would you want to see on your television giving you spiritual guidance in life?  OJ Simpson is currently in jail, but his manager, Norman Pardo released a statement saying,

“O.J. is very religious now, and he’s been counseling other inmates with Bible studies for months. When I talk to him on the phone, all he wants to discuss is religion. He’s obsessed.”

The former Bills running back is reportedly starting his own religious movement, “Holy Safari” and is in negotiations to get a spot on television.  Some critics say that Simpson is only doing this to get money from unsuspecting people. People send millions of dollars to TV evangelists, and that is said to be his real motivation.  A

nd we all thought Miley Cyrus was the worst influence on television!  Would anybody ever really take life advice from a guy who narrowly got off on the murder of two innocent people?

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