Rose-on-Bulls-benchIt has become the biggest joke in the NBA playoffs.  Derrick Rose’s son will play before he ever does again.  The Bulls will be eliminated and Rose will still be saying he is not ready to play.  It is almost unbelievable that we are asking an athlete to come back from a very serious injury before he feels ready.  However, is Rose accelerating the media circus surrounding him?

It is clear that Rose can physically play the sport of basketball.  It has also been made clear that he is not mentally ready to play the sport of basketball.  Why do we all know this much information?  Rose has consistently provided updates and given media statements for his injury.   His latest update is that it is “muscle memory” that is holding him back from making his return to the court.  What if Rose was not constantly giving us updates about his progress?  What if he just said I will be back when I am ready?

It is the constant updates that are making people criticize his work ethic, when these would be the same people criticizing him if he came back at less than 100 percent.  Rose says he does not pay attention to the critics, but then why does he feel the need to constantly update us with a new excuse?  Just sit on the bench and call this season a wash. Next season when you are a dominant point guard, nobody will be questioning why you waited so long to return.  This guy has a very long career ahead of him, if he has to miss a season to be able to play for the next fifteen that sounds like a fair trade off.


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