Photo Credit: Pat Lovell/ USA TODAY Sports

Photo Credit: Pat Lovell/ USA TODAY Sports

Lance Stephenson is one of those players who always makes games even more intense. Love him or hate him, you always know Stephenson is going to play 100 percent.  He provides the Indiana Pacers with a toughness that, at least in his mind, intimidates the Miami Heat. Stephenson recently made comments about hoping Dwyane Wade’s knees “flare up” during the Eastern Conference Finals.  Now, is he calling out Lebron James.

While talking to reporters, Stephenson commented on the trash talk he and James engaged in, “To me, it’s a sign of weakness.  [People] used to say that to me. I’m going to do something to get you mad. Now he’s trying to do it to me. I feel like there’s a weakness and I feel like I’m doing something right to get underneath his skin.”

These two have a history between each other.  Back in 2012, Stephenson made headlines when he mimicked a choking sign when James missed two late game free throws against the Pacers.  Since then, the two have matched up occasionally with one another, but Stephenson spends most of his time guarding Dwyane Wade.

Stephenson’s teammate, Paul George who is normally assigned the bulk of guarding James during games, did not think his teammates words were the smartest strategy.   “He’s doing it to the wrong guy. He’s barking up the wrong tree. LeBron is the same way, he feeds off that kind of energy,” he said.    If you think Stephenson has any  intentions of taking his words back, then you must not know the Brooklyn native.

“I’ll never back down,” Stephenson said. “He’s the best player in the league. I will refuse to back down to him.”  If you were not intrigued by this emerging rivalry, Lance Stephenson is doing all he can to make you intrigued.

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