SamWheelerKentStateOn a holiday all about love, there has been a lot of hateful events capturing headlines.  The latest involves Kent State wrestler Sam Wheeler who started tweeting about ESPN’s constant coverage of Michael Sam’s decision to come out to the world.  While many of us found his decision to be incredibly brave, Wheeler was annoyed by the constant coverage on Sportscenter.  Here is a screenshot someone took of his tweets expressing his “frustration” over the coverage.BgODbHTCEAA5091Wheeler later deleted the tweets, but the damage was already done.  His coach, Jim Andrassy, heard about the tweets and addressed his player directly.

He said, “As an alum of Kent State University and as Sam’s head coach, I was surprised and offended by what I read on Twitter. I have spoken to Sam personally, and while he is remorseful, he will be suspended indefinitely while we determine the best course of action moving forward.”

Wheeler has been suspended for his anti-gay remarks.  Hopefully, he will learn to think before he tweets.  Kent State should be commended for taking swift action and showing that any type of discriminatory behavior will not be accepted.  Tweets like this show why Sam’s decision to make his sexual orientation public was so important.  While we think we are accepting of everyone, it is clear that not everyone is as accepting.


  1. Hey Ashley thanks for bringing this to light. May want to edit the title as it’s wrestler.

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