Jason-Collins--Joe-KennedyNBA player Jason Collins has become a superstar ever since coming out of the closet in April.  People who never watched any of his games now consider him a hero.  Now that he is finally comfortable in his skin, Collins decided to walked in Boston’s gay pride parade today.

It was only a year ago when the center felt too uncomfortable to join his former roommate, Massachusetts Congressman Joe Kennedy III, on the walk.  Now, wearing his #BeTrue shirt, Collins posed for pictures with staff and fans.  While Collins may not be remembered for his play on the court, he will be a legend for his bravery off of it.



  1. Collins has shown bravery in coming out. But MLS Soccer player Robbie Rogers was actually the first American pro athlete to come out as gay, and Collins followed his example. And while Collins has received more notoriety than Rogers, his NBA career may be over. Where as Rogers is now an active member of the LA Galaxy soccer team.

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