hi-res-160619738_crop_exactThe speedy Super Bowl champion has decided to show off his juking abilities on reality television.    Punt returner Jacoby Jones has signed on to the 16th season of the hit ABC dancing competition Dancing with the Stars.  Jones shined in this year’s Super Bowl, setting a record for the longest kickoff return in playoff history.  In my opinion, he was robbed of the MVP trophy.  When asked about the show, Jones told Jimmy Kimmel this, “I’ll get it done. I’ll get it done, baby.”

He is not the first NFL to be cast on the show.  He joins some greats including Jerry Rice, Emmitt Smith, Donald Driver, and Hines Ward.  The official announcement will be made tomorrow on Good Morning America.



  1. Is there a better way to increase your exposure to gay men and straight women than this?

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