Sharon Fekete
Sharon Fekete is the Founder of The Doctor Whisperer and has been whispering strategies to physicians for almost 20 years. She works with doctors from Tampa Bay to NY and beyond. Sharon enjoys speaking to physician practices and medical schools about the importance of hospitality in healthcare, hiring a dream team, marketing to thrive, and all things wellness. Known to deliver strong and truthful realities to doctors about what to expect as a business owner after medical school. She speaks at conferences, on many panels, and believes firmly in the power of gratitude and helping others! Sharon has been featured on the HSN “A Healthy You” and is the former Health & Wellness Editor of duPont REGISTRY Tampa Bay. She loves to report on all things wellness in our community and highlights the latest healthcare trends. As a firm believer in advocating toward improved mental health, she gets involved in her community & speaks of her own previous struggles and journey to overcome adversity. Currently sits on the Board of Largo Parks and Rec, the planning committee for “Playing Unplugged, Just What the Doctor Ordered”, current contributor with Sports As Told By a Girl. In her spare time she enjoys being the Co-Founder of and biking over bridges along the Gulf of Mexico!