Aaron Hernandez’s downfall is something that will make for a great movie one day.  However, this is his real life and he has now been formally indicted on two additional murder charges.  According to prosecutors, the reasoning was one of the victims bumped into Hernandez at a night club which caused him to spill his drink.  Allegedly on the evening of July 15, 2012, Daniel de Abreu bumped into Hernandez and smiled instead of apologizing to the tight end.

His lack of an apology is what allegedly set Hernandez off and caused him to follow the vehicle de Abreu left the nightclub in.  Once he caught up with the vehicle, he emptied all the bullets in his gun resulting in the death of de Abreu and Safiro Furtado.  Hernandez plead not guilty to the new charges and will be back in court on June 24th.  He is currently being held on no bail for the murder of Odin Lloyd.  He has been in jail since his arrest in June 2013.

The NFL has seen plenty of players commit crimes, but nothing to this extent.  He fell to the fourth round in the draft for a reason, and it was not for one failed drug test in college.  He has explosive talent that can change an offense, but threw it all away because he could not see the big picture.  Now his daughter is being raised without a father while his fiancee faces her own charges in connection with the murder of Lloyd.  People are worried about Michael Sam, but the real question is how do you explain to children how Aaron Hernandez ruined his entire life over a spilled drink?


  1. […] matter how tempting, please do not kill anyone (NB: Innocent until proven guilty). As a matter of fact, don’t even bother conspiring to […]

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