jeterweb15s-2-webIf there was one player that would be consider “Mr. Reliable” it would have to be New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter.  The Captain always seems to be able to get a hit in the biggest moments so you can understand why fans would be so concerned when they saw their beloved hero on the ground unable to get up during the ALCS.

It seemed like nothing could go right for New York.  Their big hitters Cano, Rodriguez, Granderson, and Teixeira could not buy a hit in the playoffs.  Jeter was the glue that was holding this team’s hopes of another World Series title together.  During the twelve inning of Game 1, Jeter made a diving play to stop a grounder hit by Jhonny Peralta and he could not get up on his own.  Watching the trainers have to carry him off the field was not a good sign and it was later confirmed that he broke his ankle.  It was the last he would play in the ALCS.  What are the Yankees in the playoffs without Jeter?  Definitely not the same time and it showed.  The Yankees were swept by the Tigers.

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