ap_lance_armstrong_dm_121022_wgWe have “the Announcement”, we have “the Decision”, and now we have “the Confession”.  Lance Armstrong admitted for the first time in an interview with Oprah Winfrey that he did pretty much everything he could to get an edge on his opponents.  While I appreciate the honesty because I was one of those who wanted to believe that he never cheated, it lacked any humility.  Yeah it takes a lot to come clean and tell the world that your entire athletic career was tainted, but if he ever expects sympathy or more importantly a second chance.


Armstrong talked about how much he would love a second chance at his cycling career.  Lance was slapped with a lifetime ban after it was first revealed by the USADA that Armstrong has in fact cheated. Is it fair that we just forget all the lives Armstrong deceived and ruined and tell him that he is allowed to compete again?  While Armstrong is the definition of a fighter, certain people do not deserve second chances.  Armstrong has to start the fight for forgiveness if he ever wants to be respected again.  For a guy who came off as arrogant as he did in the interview, I think this will be harder than any Tour De France win and even harder than his cancer fight.

People don’t believe anything Armstrong has said and it will take him a very long time to get that trust back, if he ever does.  People still aren’t buying that he confessed to everything.  Whatever you believe, I think we can all agree that Lance Armstrong needs to stay away from the public eye now.  He did his confession and now its time for America to take it in and start the process of forgiving and possibly forgetting him.  However, this will not be the last time that we hear from him.  He will try to race and again and I think that if he was ever allowed to compete, he would just dope again.


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