As if football players were not already getting a bad enough reputation this year, Philadelphia’s Riley Cooper really raised the bar. That is pretty hard in an offseason that includes Aaron Hernandez being charged with first degree murder.  However, Cooper’s actions at a recent Kenny Chesney concert are deplorable.  The wide receiver was caught on camera saying, “I will jump that fence and fight every n**ger here.”

The video has gone viral and Cooper has since apologized.  Cooper said that he is “so ashamed” with himself and that he “will accept the consequences”.  He has disclosed that the Eagles have fined him for the incident.  However, the Eagles’ organization needs to take further action and show that they will not tolerate any form of racism.  Eagles’ owner Jeffrey Lowrie released this statement, “We are shocked and appalled by Riley Cooper’s words.  This sort of behavior or attitude from anyone has no role in a civil society. He has accepted responsibility for his words and his actions. He has been fined for this incident.”


If this is how Lowrie feels, he needs to cut Cooper immediately.  Send a message to all players that this is not acceptable on any level.  Michael Vick’s brother, Marcus Vick, has come out and put a bounty out on Cooper.  The team is said to be in talks right now with what course of action to take with Cooper.  It is very clear what needs to be done in this case.  A Twitter apology is far from enough.

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