pat-summitt-tennessee-lady-volsYes, the ESPYs are on and normally they are quite boring watching ridiculously famous athletes get awards for being famous and popular. It was going just like that until Peyton Manning came out to present the Arthur Ashe award to Pat Summitt. Even though the show is not over, that was definitely the best moment of the entire show. The tribute was so touching to see how many lives Pat touched and the close bond she shares with all of them.

She faced adversity right in the face and used her famous stubbornness to never back down. Now, in the biggest fight of her life, every basketball fan must support Pat Summitt to show that even when it seems like your life is over, you overcome it. What is Pat’s biggest accomplishment? Every one of her players graduated college. What does that say about the woman? You are an inspiration and you are the person who can prove life still goes on.

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