nick-youngIt turns out Philadelphia Sixers Nick Young may be the latest victim of extortion.  Reports recently surfaced of an anonymous woman pressing charges against the NBA player for sexual battery claiming that he allegedly drugged her and raped her.  Young admitted to having sex with the woman, but that once she passed out he stopped.  While this is a classic case of he said, she said, the LAPD are stating their opinion of the mysterious woman’s claims.  The police claim that when the woman came in and started telling them her side of the story they immediately dismissed the story as bogus and unbelievable.  They said the woman only cared about filing a lawsuit and looking to make money off Young and the club where he allegedly drugged her drink, Crown Bar.

This story has more twists than an episode of Law and Order: SVU.  If the cop’s account is correct then that is disgusting to pretend to be raped for a quick pay day.  It is hard enough for women to go forward with their story and this is only making it worse.  However, if her account is accurate then Young deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

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