BJdl-006The projected number one pick in this year’s NBA draft may have just won over a few more fans.  The University of Kentucky star was walking the red carpet with Kelly Melton, a seven-year-old currently battling leukemia at Kentucky’s Children Hospital.  Noel extended the invitation when he went to make one of his frequent visits to Kelly last week.  Dressed in a three piece suit, Melton was given the royal treatment.  He didn’t even have to walk in the puddles! His good friend Nerlens gave him a lift as to not ruin his outfit!603585_10151581042805155_362316670_n

Noel is currently rehabbing a torn ACL he suffered midway through the season and considers Melton a hero for never giving up on fighting cancer.  “I really admire that kid,” Noel said. “He’s a very strong kid. Through everything he has been through, that’s something I really look up to. He’s really a great kid with a great personality. Doing something like that gives you a really good feeling. I love that kid like he’s my little brother.”  It is so heartwarming to see athletes extend their good fortune to children battling such awful diseases.  It is moments like this that athletes should share instead of arrests and getting DUIs.  If this is a testament to Noel’s character, one team (likely the Bobcats) will get a very special, and talented, player


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