From great Mets news to some awful Mets news. Former player, Lenny “Nails” Dykstra was sentenced to 3 months in jail for holding a knife to a woman’s throat. Is it just me or does that seem like a very light sentence? Maybe that should be more like an attempted murder charge. Dykstra pled no contest to assault with a deadly weapon and lewd contact. Apparently, he lured the woman to his house after posting an ad for a housekeeper on Craigslist. When the woman arrived at the home, Dykstra allegedly told the woman that part of her job requirement was to give him a massage in which he proceeded to expose himself. This is not the first time he has done this. Not the second. Not even the third, but this is the sixth woman to be conned into this scam. Last month he was sentenced to three years in jail after pleading no contest to grand theft auto. So he got three months for putting a knife to an innocent woman’s throat and three years for stealing an unoccupied car…. Can someone please explain how that is justice. I will try to remember Dykstra for his Mets’ legacy.

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