There are huge rumors being reported that one of the most famous athletes in all of sports rented an apartment just to invite prostitutes over! Who could the sleazy guy be?  None other than….

New York Yankees Third Baseman Alex Rodriguez!


In a new tell-all book titled, House of  Outrageous Fortune: Fifteen Central Park West, The World’s Most Powerful Address, Rodriguez is outed for renting a $30,000 a month luxury apartment where he would get frequent visits from prostitutes.  Sometimes there would be two at a time!  Author Michael Gross said that he also brought his girlfriends to this apartment including Madonna, Cameron Diaz, and Kate Hudson.  The building staff went on to say that Rodriguez was very rude and thought he was better than everyone else.

Rodriguez’s rep already got word of the book and has denied its allegations. “This is a further effort to fabricate scandal around Alex. The allegations concerning prostitutes are categorically false,” he said.  Yeah right!

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