1371788799000-USP-NBA-Finals-San-Antonio-Spurs-at-Miami-Heat-030-1306210032_4_3_rx513_c680x510It is good to be NBA Champions! For the second straight year, Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, and many other players partied their faces off and did not have to pay for it!  The majority of the players went to Story Nightclub where the popped a lot of champagne, and I mean a lot! The estimated total was around 200 bottle of Dom Perignon which sells for $850 a bottle and 3-liter Jeroboam bottles that sell for $5,000!  When the bill came, it did not go to Lebron, Dwyane Wade, or even Pat Riley.  Instead the club owner picked up their $100,000 tab.  One of Miami’s nicest steakhouses, Prime 112, also sent over dinners to the club for the players.  No word on if they club also comped Danny Green who also happened to be there!

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