0525-jr-smith-mug-shot-1Maybe it should be “knucklehead of the playoffs”, but this week’s honor goes to New York Knick J.R. Smith. Smith was in Miami when he was pulled over and police realized that he had a warrant for not paying a ticket for not having a valid license. He was taken into jail a little after midnight. So let me get this straight… J.R. Smith not only did not have time to get a valid license, but he also does not have the money to pay for the ticket to cover up the bad license.

In what world is this fair? Every other non-celebrity (well almost every one) who gets pulled over for a traffic stop pays their tickets and moves on. How could J.R. not have the money nor have someone on top of these things?

Personally, if I had a few months of downtime I would want a license. Not only did he not pay it, but did he really think police were not going to recognize him within seconds and run his information? I would if I had their technology and I am sure I am not alone. So, this is all I am going to say to J.R., go wait in the DMV line just like the rest of us and complain about how long it takes.

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