kendrick-perkins-scowl-500x281Earlier this week, Oklahoma City Thunder center Kendrick Perkins was arrested for allegedly slapping a woman outside of a night club in July.  Perkins’ brother in law allegedly jumped in first and that is what got him involved.  Get the full story on the incident here.   Speaking for him, his lawyer made this statement,

“Kendrick Perkins did nothing wrong, and I am confident that he will be exonerated,” said Matt Hennessy of DeGuerin, Dickson, Hennessy & Ward. “my client takes these charges very seriously. He is a respectful and kind person and is anxious to address these charges for the sake of his family and his team. We will defend these allegations vigorously in court.”

He faces one year in jail and a $4,000 fine for the misdemeanor count.  Basically, he will end up paying some fines.

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