Finally, the government does something morally correct during the shutdown! While the Republicans and Democrats cannot seem to get it together during the shutdown, it was the armed forces and civilians who ended up paying the price. While it may seem trivial in the grand scheme of things, the shutdown forced the American Forces Network to go black.  This is where the troops can get a sense of normalcy and watch football on Sundays.  Yesterday, they were not able to and Fox commentator Howie Long made a plea to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to give the troops this small piece of life back.

Having a heart, Hagel decided to allow the network to get turned back on.  His reasoning was for allowing the employees back was that their  “. . .responsibilities contribute to the morale, well-being, capabilities and readiness of service members.”  Hopefully, this will help bring a smile to America’s heroes faces, and it means an end to the shutdown is near.

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