2013 World Series Game 6: St. Louis Cardinals v. Boston Red SoxIt is crazy to think that we have reached the end of our countdown and more importantly, the end of the year!  For the most memorable moment, it had to be a moment of strength and patriotism all wrapped up into one.  No moment defined that more than watching the Boston Red Sox win the World Series.

It was impressive enough that this team went from last place to world champions, but it was even more impressive that this team lifted the spirits of a city that had been devastated by tragedy.  The bombings at the Boston Marathon affected everyone, especially the sports teams in Boston.  No one will forget the speech David Ortiz delivered, except maybe the FCC who forget to censor part of it.

It was clear this city needed happiness back in their lives to try and cope with what had happened.  It may have made them forget, but it brought joy into their lives and smiles backs to their faces.  Boston is a tough town and the Red Sox exemplified every ounce of that.  Regardless of what team you cheer for, seeing joy back in the great city of Boston was the most memorable sports moment of 2013.

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