Screen shot 2013-06-14 at 9.41.41 PMKevin Ware is using his recovery time to make someone else smile.  The Louisville guard became famous after suffering an incredibly horrifying injury during an Elite Eight game against Duke that left his leg shattered.  While the injury looked extremely painful, Ware told his teammates to keep playing and not to worry about him.  The Louisville Cardinals did continue playing and won that game and went on to win the NCAA Championship.  Ware became a symbol of strength and courage.  He is already back to taking jump shots while standing on his crutches.

Knowing how scary and overwhelming a hospital room can be, Ware visited a 14- year- old girl, Brianna Boel, who was struck by a car.  Brianna was struck trying to cross an intersection in Louisville and suffered a fractures skull, a broken leg, and a broken wrist.  Brianna’ father told his daughter to think of Ware in an effort for her to stay strong.  He posted a message on Facebook thanking the Louisville star:

In the end, we’re not measured by points or titles. It’s what we do for others in need. U of L’s Kevin Ware heard about Brianna Boel’s fractured skull, wrist and horribly broken leg after being hit in a crosswalk, and offered to come to Kosair and show her how the rods implanted into her leg will not kill her dreams. It was the first smile in 2 painful days from this 14 yr old. God Bless you Kevin!

We all hope for a speedy recovery for you Brianna! As for Kevin, we are all excited to see your return to the court! You have been such a great role model for other players in college and those about to enter college!


  1. […]  He visited others in the hospital, including one young girl who was in a car accident, but said Ware was her hero.  Many assumed due to the extreme nature of this injury, his basketball career would be over. […]

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